Almina Enclosure

Pedro Gurriarán Daza, Salvador García Villalobos, Salvador Pascual Ortigosa, María Dolores Muñoz Marín
The purpose of this Special Plan is the set of diachronic type fortifications included within the urban area or sector of the Almina in Ceuta. This area is located in the heart of the Ceuta isthmus, between the traditional sectors of the City (old Madina) and the first foothills of Mount Hacho. The very evolution of the enclave, with the destruction and concealment of part of the defensive vestiges, has made its perception tangential and highly biased today.
The state of conservation of these constructions is poor, although the degree of deterioration varies according to the area. Most of the existing structures of the Almina fortification, after losing their military purpose, were abandoned and gradually deteriorated, with various degrees of affection as can be seen from a simple visual recognition carried out on each element. This state has been reached gradually over the last century, after the final departure of the military staff and a pressing lack of restorative care.
These structures present various types of pathologies, which generally require a quick consolidation intervention to stop and prevent their future deterioration. They tend to highlight the loss of construction material and deterioration of the mortars. In the most extreme cases, there are some stability risks and detachments of building blocks. These issues are less serious in many structures on the southern front of the complex. Similarly, some elements have undergone extensive restoration, as we see on the northern front, although in some cases the technical criteria used are debatable.